The North window in the East aisle of the Church commemorates the life of the architect of the Church, Dr Alexander Marshall McKenzie and his wife Phebe. The window was gifted by Dr McKenzie’s son, Mr A. G. McKenzie, his brothers and sister.

St Margaret of Scotland occupies the place of honour in the central light; underneath are inscribed the words of Solomon: “I have built an house of habitation for Thee”.
In the left light the scene is of the River forth rising among the hills and ever increasing in strength and volume until it meets and flows into the ocean; beneath is the quotation from Isaiah: A path in the mighty waters!
The title of the scene in the right hand light has been found in the Second Book of Samuel: “The pillars of the earth are the Lord’s”. Here bands of pilgrims are seen wending their way onwards and upwards towards their objective, St Mary’s chapel on the rock of Edinburgh Castle.