The Kirk Session manages the spiritual and social activities
of the congregation through six Core Groups.
Any member or friend of Cults Kirk can get involved in any of these groups.
We are always looking for new members to continue to develop their excellent work.
If you are interested, please contact the Core Group leader.
Worship & Faith Journey
Involved in the organisation of special services, explores prayer and oversees the Choir and Orchestra as well as organisating meetings & events and seeking out resources which feed faith. This is done through House Groups, Prayer Cards, Bible Studies, and Conferences/Retreats.
For more information contact the Core Group Leader,
Rev Shuna Dicks
Tel: 01224 861692
Justice and Peace
The aim of the Justice & Peace Core Group is to take the faith we talk about in church and make it a reality in the world. We look after the Traidcraft partnership, Green Group, & the church's charity work.
For more information contact the Core Group Leader,
Neville Taylor
Tel: 01224
Pastoral Care & Fellowship
The aim of the Pastoral Care & Fellowship Core Group is to develop the fellowship of the congregation and create a sense of belonging by Providing Sunday Transport, Care Group, Bereavement Support & Music to Remember.
For more information contact the Church Office,
Tel: 01224 869028
The aim of the Outreach Core Group is to encourage and support initiatives which engage with the wider community eg Hub Cafe, O50, Monday Lunch Club, Walking Group, Summer Strawberry Teas and more!
For more information contact the Core Group Leader,
Irene Paterson
Tel: 01224 311650
This Core Group will be looking at the many different ways we communicate with our members via the website, social media, the display screen in the Hub and the newsletter, intimations and order of service.
For more information contact the Session Clerk,
Graeme Robertson
The aim of the Young People Core Group is to draw young people into the life of the church. We look after the running of the Creche, JAM, Shed, Friday Cafe, and Messy Church, holiday clubs and cake-off specials.
For more information contact the Core Group Leader,
Carol Sinclair