Cults East Church had eight ministers during its lifetime.

The first minister, Rev William Anderson, served from 1861-1879. He was ordained in 1861 and was a model clergyman. He was highly esteemed by inhabitants of the district, irrespective of denomination. His congregation continued to grow. Ill health led him to move to Bath, where he died in April 1879, but he was buried in the churchyard adjoining the Free Church of Banchory-Devenick.

Rev Charles Adamson Salmond served from 1879-1881. He was the son of an Arbroath manufacturer. He was ordained in the church on 21st August 1879. The congregation continued to grow and 164 additional seats and a hall for 150 were added in 1880. He left in 1881 to accept a call from from the congregation of Free St Matthew's, Glasgow.

Rev Robert William Barbour was welcomed as minister in 1881 and served until 1886.

He was the son of a wealthy landowner, George Barbour of Bonskeid. He studied at the University of Edinburgh from 1870-1875. He was an exceptional student who graduated with 1st class honours in Classics and Philosophy. He continued his studies for the ministry at New College, Edinburgh and at the exit examinations in 1879 took the highest place.
He married Charlotte R Fowler, daughter of Sir Robert N Fowler, MP who was twice Mayor of London. After an extensive marriage tour to South Africa, Barbour became an assistant minister at Brechin in the autum of 1880. He was called to Cults and ordained in 1881. He was an exceptionally well loved minister.
In November, 1886, due to the unsatisfactory state of his health, Barbour was forced to resign the charge, much to the regret of the inhabitants of Cults to whom he and his wife had endeared themselves.
He died at the tragically young age of 37 in France and was buried at Bonskeid near Pitlochry.

The Rev Hugh Morrison, served from 1887 until 1921.

Rev Morrison retired at 69, having served in Cults for 34 years. During this time the new church was built at 404 North Deeside Road. Cults United Free (UF) was dedicated in 1903. This was a period of consolidation, rather than growth.

Rev John Elder served from 1921-1965.

Born in Tealing and educated at Dundee Morgan Academy and the University of St Andrews. He graduated MA in 1916. He enlisted and was commissioned in the Manchester Regiment and served with disctinction in Italy and France from 1916-1919. He was awarded the Military Cross.

He was wounded in November 1918. He prepared for the ministry at New College, Edinburgh after the war where he graduated with honours in 1920. He assisted at Broughton Place in Edinburgh in 1921 and was ordained and inducted at Cults on 17 November 1921. He married Sybilla McMillan in 1922 who was the grand-daughter of Duncan McMillan the architect of the original Cults East Church.

Rev J Donald Smith served from 1966-1973.

Formerly minister at Errol Church, Perthshire, he was admitted to the charge of Cults East on 12 May 1966. He had one of the shortest ministries at Cults East but an eventful one, with changes taking place in the organization of the church and memorable for the dedication of the memorial stained glass window and the opening of the Upper Hall. He was an extraordinary man and very highly regarded. He was the son of Charles Smith, headmaster at Hatton of Fintray and his grandfathers on both sides and one of his great grandfathers were all ministers of considerable repute. He gained an MA with Honours in French and German in 1939 at the University of Aberdeen and enlisted as promptly as he could. He worked in the Intelligence Corps and was shipped to Singapore where, with a month, became a Japanese prisoner of war. He married in 1952 and in 1957 he graduated BD from Christ's College in Aberdeen and called to a parish ministry in Errol where he remained until called to Cults East in 1966.

Rev Donald B Rennie 1974-1991. His 17 year ministry in Cults was a particularly busy one. He was interested in the Iona Community, music, youth work and prison and industrial chaplaincy. His ministry saw the introduction of women elders for the first time.
He preached as sole nominee on Sunday 17 March 1974.
He was born in Dundee the son of James Rennie, proprietor of a music shop and Margaret Clark. He was educated at Harris Academy and St Andrews University where he graduated MA in 1955. He married Ann Beckett on 23 March 1957. He was a student assistant at Cupar Old and St Michael of Tarvat and an assistant in Glasgow Govan Old 1955-57. He was ordained by the Presbytery of Glasgow on 20 January 1956. He was inducted to Glasgow Balornock North on 5 April 1957 and translated to Greenock St Ninians on 14 May 1964 where he remained for 10 years.

Rev Flora Munro came to Cults East in 1993 and served until 2004.
She was Cults East Church's final minister. This was her first charge and she came to Cults in October 1993 on the basis of terminable tenure. At a time of decline in membership of the Church of Scotland, Cults East Church membership remained relatively static.
Flora was born in Kilmarnock in 1945 and educated in Aberdeen. She married and had 5 sons. She graduated BD at the University of Aberdeen in 1991, and was then attached to the Kirk of St Nicholas as Assistant Minister from 1991-1993. She was ordained and inducted on Thursday 21 October 1993.